Hypertension is a disease of a chronic nature, which is characterized by a constant increase in blood pressure to high numbers due to a violation of the regulation of blood circulation in the human body. In addition, terms such as arterial hypertension and hypertension are used to refer to this condition.
Such statistical medicine today hypertension is one of the common diseases. It usually begins to progress in people after age 40, but there is a risk of progression at any age. Therefore, more and more diseases began to be detected in patients of working age. It should be noted that the fair sex is often suffered many times more than men. But in men, hypertension is more severe, because they are more susceptible to atherosclerosis of the blood vessels.
Blood pressure may increase during a short period of intense physical or mental stress - this is a completely normal phenomenon. A longer increase in blood pressure is observed in some diseases of the kidneys, endocrine glands, as well as during pregnancy. But in this case, high blood pressure is just one of the symptoms that signal changes in organs. In hypertension, hypertension is an independent, primary, and painful process.
The pathogenesis of hypertension is due to the influence of exogenous and endogenous factors, the tone of the arteriole walls in the body increases. The consequence of this is that they gradually narrow and blood flow in the affected vessels is disturbed. During this pathological process, blood pressure rises to the walls of the arteries, which leads to other symptoms.
The main cause leading to the progression of hypertension is an increase in the activity of the sympathetic-adrenal system. The vasomotor center is located in the human spinal canal. From there, certain impulses travel along the nerve fibers to the vessel wall, causing the vessel to dilate or contract. If this center is in an excited state, then only impulses to the vessels increase the tone of their walls. As a result, the artery lumen narrows.
Arterial hypertension is characterized by a simultaneous increase in systolic and diastolic blood pressure. This is observed under the influence of various adverse factors.
Exogenous risk factors:
- Severe nervous tension is the most common cause of progression of arterial hypertension;
- arrhythmia;
- improper nutrition. Failure to adhere to the diet and eating a large amount of fried and fatty foods;
- excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages;
- smoke;
- drug use.
Endogenous risk factors:
- genetic burden;
- fat;
- coronary atherosclerosis of the heart;
- increased blood viscosity (the heart cannot completely distill it through the vessels);
- kidney diseases such as nephritis, glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis;
- metabolic disorders;
- the presence of endocrine pathologies;
- increased calcium levels in the blood;
- action of adrenaline on the heart in stressful situations;
- increased sodium levels in the blood.
During the study of this disease, scientists have developed many ways of classifying hypertension - according to the presentation of the patient, according to the cause, according to the degree of hypertension, the nature of the disease, etc. v. Some have been out of date for a long time, while others, on the contrary, are used more and more often.
Degree of hypertension (according to the degree of pressure):
- optimal - indicators 120/80;
- normal - above from 120 to 129, lower - from 80 to 84;
- normal increase - upper stats - from 130 to 139, lower stats - from 85 to 89;
- hypertension grade 1 - SD from 140 to 159, DD - from 90 to 99;
- hypertension grade 2 - systolic blood pressure readings rise to 160-179, and diastolic - up to 100-109;
- Grade 3 hypertension - systolic blood pressure rises above 140, and diastolic blood pressure - above 110.
The stages of hypertension according to WHO:
- stage 1 hypertension - the pressure increases, but there is no change in the internal organs. It is also known as transient. The pressure stabilizes after a short rest;
- stage 2 or stable. At this stage of hypertension, the pressure increases relentlessly. The target's major organs are affected. During the examination, damage to the heart, blood vessels, and kidneys can be noted;
- Stage 3 or sclerosis. This stage of hypertension is characterized not only by a significant increase in DM and DD, but also by marked sclerotic changes in the blood vessels of the kidneys, heart, brain and background. Dangerous complications develop - stroke, coronary heart disease, coronary heart disease, heart attack, etc. v.
Forms of the disease (depending on the pulse of the affected organs):
- kidney form;
- heart shape;
- brain form;
- Mix.
Types of hypertension:
- benign and slow-flowing. In this case, the symptoms of the progression of the pathology may gradually appear over 20 years. Periods of both exacerbation and remission are observed. The risk of complications is minimal (with timely therapy);
- malignant. The pressure increased sharply. This form of hypertension is practically not treatable. As a rule, pathology accompanies various kidney diseases.
It is worth noting that often with grade 2 and grade 3 hypertension, the patient has a hypertensive crisis. This is an extremely dangerous situation not only for human health but also for the life of the baby. Clinicians distinguish the following types of crises:
- neural activity. The patient is hyperactive and very excitable. Such symptoms of hypertension are manifested: increased blood pressure, tremor of the upper extremities, tachycardia and increased urination;
- like water. In this case, the patient is drowsy and his reactions are inhibited. Muscle weakness, swelling of the face and hands, decreased diuresis, persistent increase in blood pressure;
- convulsions. This option is the most dangerous, since there is a high risk of developing dangerous complications. It is worth noting that it is the least common. It is characterized by symptoms such as: convulsions and impaired consciousness. Complications - bleeding in the brain.
The symptoms of the disease are directly dependent on the stage of hypertension observed in the patient.
An increase in blood pressure is often observed in the context of severe psycho-emotional stress or due to increased physical exertion. At this stage, there may be no signs of the presence of pathology. Sometimes the patient begins to complain of heart pain, irritability, headache, tachycardia, a feeling of heaviness in the back of the head. Indicators for SD and DD are growing, but they can easily be normalized.
The indicated clinical picture is complemented by the following symptoms:
- increased headache;
- dizzy;
- feeling of blood rushing to the head;
- do not sleep very well;
- periodic numbness of the fingers on the extremities;
- rapid fatness;
- "fly" in front of your eyes;
- persistent hypertension.
It is worth noting that this stage can progress for several years, and at the same time the person will be active and mobile. But a violation of the blood supply to certain organs leads to a violation of their function.
Often at this stage, doctors detect kidney and heart failure, as well as a violation of blood circulation in the brain. The outcome of the disease, as well as the development of complications, is determined by the form of hypertension. Crises happen frequently.
With the cardiac form, the patient gradually progresses to heart failure. Occurrence of dyspnea, pain in the projection of the heart, hepatomegaly, edema. With the human brain, severe headaches, impaired vision disturb.
High blood pressure and childbirth
Hypertension in pregnancy is the most common cause of preterm birth or stillbirth in the perinatal period. Often, a woman's hypertension already exists before the onset of pregnancy and then simply triggers, because pregnancy is a kind of stress for the body.
Because of the high risk to the mother and fetus, in the case of a diagnosis of the disease, it is important to accurately determine the extent of this risk in order to resolve the issue of continuation of the pregnancy or termination of the pregnancy. Doctors distinguish three levels of risk (based on the stage of arterial hypertension):
- 1 degree of risk - pregnancy complications are minimal, crises rarely develop. Angina may occur. Pregnancy in this case is allowed;
- 2 levels of risk - express. Complications develop in 20–50% of cases. Pregnant women with hypertension, coronary insufficiency, high blood pressure. Termination of pregnancy is shown;
- 3 levels of risk. Complications of pregnancy occur in 50% of cases. Perinatal mortality was observed in 20% of cases. Perhaps placental abruption, uremia, impaired blood circulation to the brain. Pregnancy endangering the mother's life should be interrupted.
Pregnant patients should see their doctor once a week so that the doctor can monitor their condition. Mandatory treatment of hypertension. The following antihypertensive drugs are allowed:
- antispasmodics;
- salt medicine;
- sympathomimetic drugs;
- clonidine derivatives;
- Rauwolfia preparations;
- ganglioblockers;
- beta blockers.
In addition, to treat diseases during pregnancy, doctors must resort to physiotherapy.
When the first signs of illness appear, it is important to immediately contact a medical facility to confirm or refute the diagnosis. The sooner this is done, the less likely there is to develop serious complications (heart, kidney, brain damage). During the initial examination, the doctor necessarily measures the pressure on both hands. If the patient is elderly, the measurements are also taken in the standing position. In the process of diagnosis, it is important to clarify the real cause of the progression of the pathology.
A comprehensive plan for diagnosing hypertension includes:
- prehistoric collection;
- Urinalysis;
- blood chemistry;
- determine the level of bad cholesterol in the blood;
- X ray;
- ECG;
- fund check;
- supersonic.
The treatment
Treatment of hypertension is carried out in a hospital, so that doctors can continuously monitor the patient's condition and, if necessary, adjust the treatment plan. It is important to normalize the patient's daily routine, regulate his weight, limit the use of salt and completely give up bad habits.
To regulate the pressure, the following drugs are prescribed:
- alpha blockers;
- beta-blockers;
- calcium blockers;
- diuretic. This class of drugs is especially important, as it helps to lower sodium levels in the blood, thereby reducing swelling in the walls of blood vessels.
All these medications should be taken only as prescribed by the attending physician. Uncontrolled use of such funds can only aggravate the patient's condition. These drugs are taken according to a certain program.
During the treatment of hypertension, in addition to taking medication, it is important to adhere to a special diet. With hypertension, the patient is assigned table number 10. The principles of such a diet:
- add seafood to the diet;
- limit salty foods;
- fractional nutrition;
- Limit carbohydrates and animal fats in the diet.
Diet for this pathology implies restriction:
- Sahara;
- of bread;
- The potatoes;
- pasta;
- cereal dishes;
- egg;
- Animal fats;
- ghee;
- sour cream and more.
The #10 diet is complete and can be followed for a long time. To improve the taste of the dish, you can add:
- Honey;
- prunes;
- Vinegar;
- jam;
- cranberry
- Lemon.
Diet is indicated not only during treatment, but also after, so as not to worsen the condition. It is worth noting that the diet is strictly developed individually for each patient, taking into account the characteristics of his body. An important point - during the diet, you need to consume no more than 1. 5 liters of liquid per day.
Prevention of high blood pressure is quite simple. The first thing to do is to normalize your diet, as well as lead an active lifestyle. For elastic vessels, you need to eat a lot of vegetables and fruits, drink enough 2 liters of water a day. You can take vitamin preparations. In addition, the prevention of hypertension includes the exclusion of smoking and the consumption of alcoholic beverages.
If possible, stress should be avoided, as they are one of the triggers for the disease. Prevention of hypertension should be considered as early as possible to minimize the risk of developing the disease.